Igor Simic
6 years ago

Angular - preload images on route change by using resolve

To preload images in Angular we can create factory which will be use in state resolve when route change request is triggered. And the new page will not be loaded until all images are preloaded which gives your app smooth transition between pages.

So preloading images is based on dabit3 solution and the factory can be found here:
// preload images
	app.factory('preloader',['$q','$rootScope',function( $q, $rootScope ) {
                // I manage the preloading of image objects. Accepts an array of image URLs.
                function Preloader( imageLocations ) {
                    // I am the image SRC values to preload.
                    this.imageLocations = imageLocations;
                    // As the images load, we'll need to keep track of the load/error
                    // counts when announing the progress on the loading.
                    this.imageCount = this.imageLocations.length;
                    this.loadCount = 0;
                    this.errorCount = 0;
                    // I am the possible states that the preloader can be in.
                    this.states = {
                        PENDING: 1,
                        LOADING: 2,
                        RESOLVED: 3,
                        REJECTED: 4
                    // I keep track of the current state of the preloader.
                    this.state = this.states.PENDING;
                    // When loading the images, a promise will be returned to indicate
                    // when the loading has completed (and / or progressed).
                    this.deferred = $q.defer();
                    this.promise = this.deferred.promise;
                // ---
                // STATIC METHODS.
                // ---
                // I reload the given images [Array] and return a promise. The promise
                // will be resolved with the array of image locations.
                Preloader.preloadImages = function( imageLocations ) {
                    var preloader = new Preloader( imageLocations );
                    return( preloader.load() );
                // ---
                // INSTANCE METHODS.
                // ---
                Preloader.prototype = {
                    // Best practice for "instnceof" operator.
                    constructor: Preloader,
                    // ---
                    // PUBLIC METHODS.
                    // ---
                    // I determine if the preloader has started loading images yet.
                    isInitiated: function isInitiated() {
                        return( this.state !== this.states.PENDING );
                    // I determine if the preloader has failed to load all of the images.
                    isRejected: function isRejected() {
                        return( this.state === this.states.REJECTED );
                    // I determine if the preloader has successfully loaded all of the images.
                    isResolved: function isResolved() {
                        return( this.state === this.states.RESOLVED );
                    // I initiate the preload of the images. Returns a promise.
                    load: function load() {
                        // If the images are already loading, return the existing promise.
                        if ( this.isInitiated() ) {
                            return( this.promise );
                        this.state = this.states.LOADING;
                        for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.imageCount ; i++ ) {
                            this.loadImageLocation( this.imageLocations[ i ] );
                        // Return the deferred promise for the load event.
                        return( this.promise );
                    // ---
                    // PRIVATE METHODS.
                    // ---
                    // I handle the load-failure of the given image location.
                    handleImageError: function handleImageError( imageLocation ) {
                        // If the preload action has already failed, ignore further action.
                        if ( this.isRejected() ) {
                        this.state = this.states.REJECTED;
                        this.deferred.reject( imageLocation );
                    // I handle the load-success of the given image location.
                    handleImageLoad: function handleImageLoad( imageLocation ) {
                        // If the preload action has already failed, ignore further action.
                        if ( this.isRejected() ) {
                        // Notify the progress of the overall deferred. This is different
                        // than Resolving the deferred - you can call notify many times
                        // before the ultimate resolution (or rejection) of the deferred.
                            percent: Math.ceil( this.loadCount / this.imageCount * 100 ),
                            imageLocation: imageLocation
                        // If all of the images have loaded, we can resolve the deferred
                        // value that we returned to the calling context.
                        if ( this.loadCount === this.imageCount ) {
                            this.state = this.states.RESOLVED;
                            this.deferred.resolve( this.imageLocations );
                    // I load the given image location and then wire the load / error
                    // events back into the preloader instance.
                    // --
                    // NOTE: The load/error events trigger a $digest.
                    loadImageLocation: function loadImageLocation( imageLocation ) {
                        var preloader = this;
                        // When it comes to creating the image object, it is critical that
                        // we bind the event handlers BEFORE we actually set the image
                        // source. Failure to do so will prevent the events from proper
                        // triggering in some browsers.
                        // --
                        // The below removes a dependency on jQuery, based on a comment
                        // on Ben Nadel's original blog by user Adriaan:
                        // http://www.bennadel.com/members/11887-adriaan.htm
                        var image = angular.element( new Image() )
                            .bind('load', function( event ) {
                                // Since the load event is asynchronous, we have to
                                // tell AngularJS that something changed.
                                    function() {
                                        preloader.handleImageLoad( event.target.src );
                                        // Clean up object reference to help with the
                                        // garbage collection in the closure.
                                        preloader = image = event = null;
                            .bind('error', function( event ) {
                                // Since the load event is asynchronous, we have to
                                // tell AngularJS that something changed.
                                    function() {
                                        preloader.handleImageError( event.target.src );
                                        // Clean up object reference to help with the
                                        // garbage collection in the closure.
                                        preloader = image = event = null;
                            .attr( 'src', imageLocation )
                // Return the factory instance.
                return( Preloader );

Now when we have factory we can use it when we want to, for example, load another view by using state resolve method:
	 url: '/:slug',
		resContent: ['$stateParams','$resource','WPRESTURL','preloader','$rootScope',function($stateParams,$resource,WPRESTURL,preloader,$rootScope){
					// define URL for REST call
					var restor = WPRESTURL($stateParams,appInfo);

					var getContent = $resource(restor);
					// call REST
					return getContent.get().$promise.then(function(response) {
								//return response;
								// preload images from response
								var imageLocations = [
								  // put image(s) from response to array

								// check do we have (all) image(s) in array

								// return when all images are preloaded
								return preloader.preloadImages( imageLocations )
								.then(function() {

								    //if it was success 
								    return response;
								function() {

							            //if it failed 
								    return response;

		controller: 'ContentCtrl',
		templateUrl: 'templates/template.name.html'

And now your url for /:slug will not be opened until all images from response are preloaded